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These burn bouquets are hand made by me and purified and protected with white light.  You can choose to burn them or hang them up to cleanse and purfy your space.


What do they include?


  • flowers, shrubs, and grasses picked, collected, grown, and dried by me
  • they all include rosemary, french lavender, and purple sage that was grown and dried by me
  • a piece of selinite (satin spar) to protect and cleanse the bouquet
  • a sun charm to bring the power of RA (the Egyptian Sun God) to while you burn
  • a piecenof bark from the forest floor to keep the energy grounded
  • two sticks of incense to support the cleansing and purification process while you burn, as well as provide scent to focus your mind while you burn
  • a raw piece of citrine encapsulated in the stem to support your spiritual connection while you burn


Once you burn the bouquet, your can then use your crystals and sun charm to support other parts of your practice, rituals, ceremonies, or meditation.   





Burn Bouquets - Witchy

  • How do you use the Burn Bouquet:

    1. Place entire bouquet in your wood stove, wood burning fire place, or outdoor fire pit


    2. Think about the space or place you wish to cleanse and purify


    3. Say the blessing: Thank you nature for helping me."


    4. While the bouquet is burning say the following mantra 5 times: "All negative energies shall leave this place."


    The crystals and charm may not survive the fire. If they do, DO NOT try to retrive the crystals or charm for at least 24 hours after the fire has completely stopped and the coals are cold.

  • If you wish to hang your bouquet instead:

    1. Choose the space you wish to hang it in.  Prepare the site with a hook, nail, or pin


    2. Say the blessing: "Thank you nature for helping me."


    3. Place the bouquet on the hook and say the following mantra 5 times: "All negative energies shall leave this place."


    You can move this bouquet around to different places as often as you like.  Just make sure to restart the blessing and cleansing process.  It is good practice to move your bouquet at least every three months to keep purification active.

From One Goddess to Another

All Sales are Final, due to the nature of the products and spiritual beliefs associated with them.
You are buying a spiritual tool, so it is up to you to manifest your intentions.

All Products are made in good faith, and no warranties or guarantees are being made.
Use at your own risk - Do not ingest - Keep away from Children & Pets.

No medical or health claims are being made - Use caution and common sense.

Do not burn unattended or near flammable items/breeze/draft.

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