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About Crystals Sovereign Owl Uses


A powerful filter for geopathic stress and electromagnetic pollution.  Helps combine information with intuition so great to use if you are doing a card reading or are a medium.  Helps calm the brain and nervous system, and can help you see all sides and points of view.  Helps sooth emotional trauma, dispel worry, negative energy, and aggravation.  Opens the heart and throat chakras and is a great crystal to work with for love spells.



A very powerful crystal that promotes love of the divine. It has very high vibrations that are excellent for overall healing and protection against psychic attack. It helps enhance serenity during mediation as well as spiritual awareness. Helps dispel anger, rage, fear, and anxiety and can support you during the loss of a loved one or pet.



A tree resin with strong connections to the earth, such that its makes for a very good grounding stone, powerful healer, and cleanser to draw out dis-ease.  Cleans your chakras by absorbing negative energies and transmuting them into positive forces. Helps to counteract sadness and depression and lead you to see the sunny and spontaneous.


Apatite (Blue)

A crystal that helps to inspire you and is attended to the future but also connects to past lives.  Great to use for manifestation and helps you learn from the past to make a better future. A great crystal to enhance your psychic gifts and deepen your connection during meditation.  Helps relieve irritability, anger, and sorrow, and can help you overcome emotional exhaustion. Has been known to help those with ADHD and Autism.  Opens up your throat chakra to ease communications, and may help suppress hunger.



The stone of courage, but also quiets the mind and helps to reduce stress.  Clarifies perception, clears confusion, and sharpens intellect.  Gives support to anyone who is overwhelmed by responsibility, by soothing fears and increasing understanding.  During meditation it opens clairvoyance, sharpens intuition, and invokes a high state of consciousness.


Aventurine (Green or Blue)

A crystal for prosperity and good luck. Helps to absorb electromagnetic smog and protect against environment pollution (tap a piece to your phone and have one near all electronics). Comforts and heals the heart. Helps bring things back into control especially in bad conditions. Helps dissolve negative emotions and thoughts and can help bring emotional calm. Powerful mental healer.



The crystal that helps you to stay present and brings spirituality into your daily life.  Helps cleanse the blood, stimulates the flow of lymph, and is a powerful healer. Known to banish evil and negativity.  Heightens intuition and increases creativity. Excellent grounding stone and also stimulates dreaming.  Helps you to avoid dangerous situations and give courage when needed.


Blue Calcite

A gentle crystal for recuperation and relaxation. Gently soothes the nerves, lifts anxieties, and helps release negative emotions. It also absorbs energy, filters it, and returns it to you clean. Just having it in the room cleans negative energies from the environment and increases your vibrations. An excellent crystal to support channeling, medium-ship, and connecting to your spirit guides.


Blue Lace Agate

A healing, soft, calming, and cooling energy that brings peace of mind.  A nurturing and supportive stone that can heal anger.  Helps heal the throat chakra and release thoughts and feelings so that you can be more open.  It connects your thoughts to the spirit realm.



Grounds and anchors you in the present reality. Stabilizes with a high-energy vibration, and stimulate and motivates. It can also cleanse other crystals. Improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. Helps protect against envy, rage, and resentment. Can calm anger and banish emotional negativity.



This crystal has a high vibration, is filled with divine energies, and is connected to the enlightened realms.  If placed on the third eye it can open a connection to the universal energies. Helps stimulate clairvoyance, dream recall, and astro travel.  While bringing good fortune, this crystal also helps purify the heart so you live in truth.  It brings deep peace during conflict and helps maintain harmony.



Carries the power of the sun, so it is warming, energizing, and never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and grounds negative energy. Citrine is known to help you manifest and attract wealth, prosperity and success. Enhances concentration and is very supportive to those who are trying to overcome depression as it promotes joy in life.


Clear Quartz

A powerful healing and energy amplifier. It contains ever colour possible and raises energy and vibrations of a person to the highest possible level. It absorbs, stores, release, and regulates energy, and is excellent for unblocking energy. Use as a support crystal during chakra cleansing and balancing. Helps with concentration and unlock memories (great support for any soul memory work or shadow work).


Dragon's Blood

Promotes happiness, optimism, and wisdom, and helps the wearer find courage and strength when needed. In ancient times, it was used by warriors to support them in battle, as it helps to surround them with high vibrations to keep negative energies away, as well as keep their spirits up during hard times. It continues to bring that type of support for today’s battles.



Helps protect against psychic attack, psychic influence, and psychic manipulation.  Cleanses and stabilizes the aura.  Helps to protect against electromagnetic and geopathic stress.  Draws off negative energies, cleanses, purifies, dispels, and realigns, which helps enhance spiritual realities and heightens intuition and awakenings. This is the best crystal to help support you when life or your mind feels disorganized - can help overcome chaos and reorganize physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Also known as the genius stone - it helps to promote learning and increase concentration.


Blue Fluorite: Calms or revitalizes as needed.

Enhances creative and orderly thought and clear communication.


Green Fluorite: Grounds excess energy, dissipates emotional trauma,

and brings information out of the subconscious mind to access intuition.


Lavender/Purple Fluorite: Stimulates the third eye and helps to find common sense.

Excellent for meditation.


Yellow Fluorite: Enhances creativity, intellect, and stabilizes group energy.

Great to have at work and at team meetings.  It helps to release toxins and cleanses the liver and cholesterol.


Fire Agate (aka Fire Quartz)

A deep connection with the earth, this crystal is calming and makes you feel safe and secure during during difficult times. Fire Agate builds a protective shield around you and can send harm back to its source.  Fire Quartz stimulates sexual vitality and fires up the root chakra.  It can clear blockages and energize the Aura.  It can help balance all meridians and the longer you wear it the better.



Energizing, cleansing, balancing, and regenerating. Carry as a protective stone to warn of approaching danger.  Useful in a crisis as it fortifies, strengthens, and activates the survival instinct.  Inspires love and devotion, and amplifies the heart and self-confidence.  Amphlifies the effect of other crystals, so great for spell work and manifesting.  Stimulates the pituitary gland and great for past life work.



Use during out of body journeying as it protects the soul and keeps it ground to the body.  Dissolves negativity and prevents negative energies from entering the aura.  Boosts confidence, removes self-limitations, enhances willpower, and prevents overindulgence.  Helps you come to terms with mistakes, accept them, and learn from them.  Stimulates concentration and focus, enhances memory, and helps with problem solving.



A very calming crystal. Place under your pillow to help you sleep, or hold it while mediating to help receive wisdom and insight from your spirit guides. When placed on the third eye, it can bring forth memories of past lives, which can be processed and help your soul heal. Psychologically, Howlite can help eliminate feelings of range, impatience, and uncontrolled anger.



Jade signifies wisdom and is a symbol of purity and serenity. Increases love and nurturing and helps cleanse the heart chakra. When worn, it is protective and attracts good luck and friendship. Helps release negative thoughts, stimulate ideas, and can make things less complex so you can accomplish or complete them. When worn on the forehead to fall asleep, it can help bring messages from your soul or spirit guides through your dreams.



Known as the nurturing stone, jasper gently stimulates while also grounding your energy. It is very supportive during times of stress, as it brings tranquility and wholeness, and it reminds us to help each other. Jasper can help align the chakras and balance your yin and yang, and it can help you recall dreams.



Awakens the heart center and unconditional love with its high vibrations. Use for mediation to help you reach a deep and entered state.  This stone shields the aura from negative energies and strengthens the energy field around the body. Remove obstacles and help yourself adjust to the pressures of life, including healing from heartache, depression, and other emotional debris.  



Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies, while also deflecting unwanted energies from the aura and forms a barrier. Very support stone for those who channel, soul travel, or medium-ship. It stimulates intuition, psychic gifts, and brings messages from your sprit guides and unconscious mind while also helping you understand those messages.


Lapis Lazuli

Opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra. Enhances dream work, psychic abilities, facilitates spiritual journeying, and stimulates personal spiritual power.  Releases stress and helps bring feelings of deep peace by its serene energy. During psychic work, it helps block attacks and connects with spirit guides.   This stone helps you to take charge of your life, reveal the inner truth, encourages self-awareness, and allows self expression.  Endures qualities to the holder of honesty, compassion, and active listening.



A very spiritual stone that has now been mined out. What is available to purchase is all that is out there now. It radiates love and peace and promotes tranquility. A very spiritual stone, Larimer helps you reach new dimensions in your psychic journey, harmonizes the body and soul, and helps heal past-life relationships and heart trauma.



This crystal must be used for the highest good and is known as the stone of change.  It activates the third eye and heart chakras and clears blockages to bring cosmic awareness.  Helps reduce depression, obsessive thoughts, insomnia, mood swings, and stress.  Place over the part of the body you want to heal from dis-ease.  Place under the pillow to help stop sleep disturbances.Helps clear electromagnetic pollution so place near electronics.



A very powerful crystal but handle with caution as it is toxic if not in polished form.  It also can amplify positive and negative  energies and encourages risk taking, so use with caution.  It absorbs very effectively negative energies, so make sure to cleanse often.  When used for scrying, it can take you through a journey that releases the mind and stimulates pictures.  When used for dreaming, it can make make them more profound and vivid.


Moss Agate (aka Moss Chalcedony)

Moss Agate is a very healing crystal and helps promote new beginnings and vibrates with very loving heart energy. It can correct imbalances between the two sides of the brain, and promote abundance, prosperity, and stimulate creativity. It can help you manifest your goals and dreams, while protecting you from negative energy and keep you grounded.



Made from molten lava that quickly cooled, this crystal has no boundaries and no limitations. It works extreme fast with great power, and nothing can be hidden from it. It helps bring the truth to light, expose flaws, and blockages. It can bring to the surface past traumas and emotions at the soul level, to help them be released, processed, and healed. It is also a very protective crystal that forms a shield against negativity, psychic attack, and negative spiritual influences.


Ocean Jasper

Provides a calm uplifting energy in trying times

Helps with communication and enhances self confidence and self insight.

Can help with insomnia, depression & anxiety.

At work or with relationships, ocean jasper can help with conflict resolution

as it can lower the intensity of the conversation, brings love into the throat chakra, and bring calm to the heart.



With a very fine vibration, Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions. It is a karmic stone that picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them to you – so it can be very eye opening to one’s self and help you to be aware and make changes for the better. It is used in Shamanic work to be invisible.


Orange Calcite

Helps balance emotions, remove fear, and overcome depression. Very energizing and helps cleanse your aura and energy fields. Helps increase your EI (emotional intelligence) assists with analyzing, insight, and discernment. A great crystal for cleaning and reenergizing the chakras.



Keep away evil and negative energies.  A powerful cleanse that purifies the mind, body, and spirit. Peridot helps you to look to your own higher energies for guidance and let go of the past and old baggage.  A visionary crystal that helps you to understand your destiny and spiritual purpose - helps you look into the past and find the gift in your experience so you can move forward, admit mistakes, and grow.  An excellent crystal for healers.  Attuned to the attainment of spiritual truth, sharpens the mind so it can be open to new levels of awareness, and regulates the cycles of life.



Unconditional love and the stone that heals the healer.  Helps during mediation by enhancing visualization when the higher self is contacted.  Known to attune to the divine energies, helps with prophecy work and shows you the way forward.  Be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces - place in your garden to make a sanctuary for yourself where you can renew and revitalize.  Keep under your pillow to help with nightmares, phobias, deep fears, and uncover the dis-ease.


Red Jasper

Brings balance back into the ebbs and flows of your energy fields. Helps bring insight to the most difficult situation and helps process worry so you can resolve matters in your mind. It brings calm to the emotions when being held or played with (like worry beads), and can help you remember your dreams if placed under your pillow during sleep.



Emotional balancer, nurtures love, and encourages the essence of humanity.  Stimulates, clears, and activates the heart chakra. Use this crystal when you are feeling emotionally wounded - will help forgiveness and reconciliation.  Also great for past lives work.  Place over the heart to help with emotional wounds.


Rose Quartz

The crystal that gives unconditional love and peace. It draws away negative energy and replaces it with loving vibrations. Most important crystal for your heart, as it gives it the true essence of love and loving vibrations as well as purifying the heart and giving it deep healing. It is also a very calming crystal and gives reassurance to those that are in crisis or suffered trauma. Can help draw love and relationships to you, as well as help families or relationships in conflict. It can encourage self- forgiveness, acceptance, self-love, self-worth, and helps you trust.


Rutile Quartz (aka Rutilated or Angel Hair)

This crystal heightens the energetic impulse of quartz and is a very efficient vibrational healer.  It has perfect balance of cosmic light for the soul, which promotes spiritual growth and helps to let go of the past.  It can protect you from psychic attack and opens the aura to allow healing.  It can also help lift your mood if you are feeling depressed or down.


Satin Spar or Selenite

A crystal with a very pure and fine vibration that feels calm and instills deep peace.  It is most known for helping "charge" your other crystals. It supports your journey to connect with your spirit guides and telepathy.  Place at all for corners of your house to protect from. outside influences and create a peaceful atmosphere.  Use on your third eye  to clear confusion, assess your choices, and gain insight.


Smokey Quartz

Most efficient grounding and anchoring crystal, and helps raise your vibrations. Excellent crystal for healing issues around the abdomen as well as enhancing libido. For emotional support it helps relieve stress, depression, and brings a sense of calm. An excellent crystal for scrying as it gives clear insight and promotes pragmatic thought.



This crystal stimulates your third eye (pineal glad) and helps you receive information from your guides and communicate with the spiritual realm. Helps clear electromagnetic pollution so keep near your computer, electronics, and tape to your phone. This crystal helps support groups by bringing harmony, solidarity, trust, understanding, and companionship or teamwork. Supports emotional balance and can transform for the better a defensive or oversensitive personality.


Strawberry Quartz

Helps promote self love, heal wounds, and move forward.

 It also helps people who are suffering with depression and anxiety.

This crystal really helps you to connect with your inner being and unlock a deeper understanding of yourself.



A joyful crystal that heightens intuition and helps your real self to shine through - empowerment - encouragement - confidence.  With its strong connection to light and the sun, it is extremely healing and regenerative.  This crystal can help remove 'hooks' others have on you, such as a possessive ex-partner or manipulative family member.  Excellent for cord cuttings or tie-breaking spells.


Tiger's Eye

This crystal is a combination of the earth and the sun and has extremely high vibrations. Enhances psychic abilities when placed on the third eye, as well as balance the lower chakras. It also acts as protection against hexes, ill wishes, and curses. For those that are finding it hard to commit or find their way, Tiger’s eye can help ground you and manifest change. While balancing your emotional body, it helps lift mood, resolve dilemmas and heal issues of self-worth, self-criticism, and blocked creativity.



Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.  It grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the body.  A stone used by Shamans to protect during rituals and point to the trouble or culprit.  This crystal can help you understand yourself and others and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity.  Helps stimulate your meridians.



When placed on the third eye it promote visualization and psychic vision and helps you stay grounded.  Very supportive for past life healing and use on the third eye when doing some past life regression journalling.  Place by your TV or computer to help with electromagnetic pollution.



Helps you to be comfortable in your own body and helps you to have a strong connection to the earth.  Helps aid your meditation by shutting off your inner chatter and reach a state of no mind.  It can open up an internal channel within your body to receive energy from the universe. Can help you not overspend and keep in your purse to retain your money.





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